[Elecraft] K3, Cannot key amplifier
16 years ago
My K3, serial number 758, firmware 3.11, 215, will not key my Alpha 76 amplifier. There is no voltage present at the Key Out jack, with the K3 in SSB and the Vox on, or in CW mode, with the Vox on. The only way to key the amp is to use the PTT button on the Heil Gold Line mic. With the PTT pushed there is keying and output from the amp, both in SSB and CW. I suspect that it is a firmware problem but have gone thru the Config Menu and cannot figure out what settings may be wrong and perhaps need to be changed. I have taken the Bencher paddle out of the Winkeyer and inserted directly into the K3, but this does not make any difference.

I used it on Field Day, without the amp of course and it performed flawlessly. The K3 has the 100 watt module, the ATU, KXVC module.


Paul VanOveren
5911 Snow Ave.
Alto, Mi 49302
Don Wilhelm
16 years ago

The K3 KEY OUT does not provide any voltage - it provides a path to
ground when active - your amp must provide the voltage - measure the
open circuit voltage at the amp's PTT IN.

If you can activate the K3 KEY OUT with PTT, then the K3 is working to
key the amp. Set VOX ON and adjust the VOX GAIN and ANTIVOX so you
reliably initiate transmit - you can do that in TX TEST to activate
everything for transmit, but will not transmit RF. In CW with VOX ON
(there will be a VOX icon in the display), the transmit state should be
entered when you hit the paddles and the amp should be keyed - if you
have TX TEST set, no RF will be sent, but the amp keying should be active.
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